10 Questions to Inspire Innovation

What Types of Questions Push Thinking and Inspire Innovation? Pushing thinking to find breakthroughs and innovate is as much about asking the right questions as finding the right answers. CIO Insight recently published a great summary of 10 questions that can be used for leapfrogging mindsets to foster innovation: 1. Accentuate the Positive “What experiences…


The Power of Surprise

Why do we avoid uncertainty and surprise? Most leaders avoid uncertainty. Most organizations hate surprises. It makes sense. Predictability and control are the unquestioned holy grails of management. But could we be overlooking an essential and critical ingredient of breakthrough leadership and innovation? For example, every management book on Amazon with the word “surprise” in…


Why Too Much Power Stifles Innovation

Does power hinder or help our ability to innovate? When it comes to innovation, we all know that open-mindedness, deferring judgment, including diverse inputs from diverse people, and fostering collaboration inside and outside the organization are all success factors when going for big ideas that will make a big difference. But recent research from USC’s…


Quarterly Innovation Rabble Rousers

Has “innovation” become the stale bread of business vernacular? Each quarter I list the top five most rabble-rousing articles on the topic of innovation. This quarter’s theme of Innovation Rabble-Rousers is all about whether innovation itself has become passe. free proxy server . These articles suggest the resounding answer is yes, and no. You Call…
