Debunking Disruptive Innovation – Why Disruptive Innovation is Not a Strategy

Disruptive innovation has become business’ biggest paradigm. Harvard’s Clayton Christensen coined the term and the New Yorker’s Jill Lapore recently tore it down. While many companies scramble to create disruptive innovation strategies, the problem is that it isn’t a linear process or methodology. No single strategy or theory (even the theory of disruptive innovation itself)…


Peer Support for Motivation & Change – Building Communities and Brand Loyalty

Peer support is the key to creating the motivation to change.  Give consumers communities to help them achieve personal goals and you’ll gain their loyalty. Part five in a series uncovering what makes us buy and why (aka insights into the Deep Motivators of Consumers and the Future of Consumer Marketing) See the introductory post here. Most people want to change…


The Competition is Ready to Innovate in 2015 – Are you? Next Year’s Strategy is about Open Innovation.

Are you ready to innovate in 2015? A recent Harris poll finds budgets for strategic innovation are increasing across top companies. Open Innovation is one strategy for beating the competition next year. The recent national Harris poll sponsored by NineSigma shows companies are forging ahead to develop groundbreaking products, accelerate business, and to drive growth…


Social Currency – Leveraging Brand Loyalty & Social Networking to Build Brand Awareness

Social Currency marketing combines brand loyalty and social networking to create brand awareness and buzz Marketing messages constantly bombard consumers. To cut through the noise, many companies now provide merchandise or discounts in return for consumers’ social sharing and promotion to friends. Consumers who are passionate about certain products, brands, or experiences share with their…


Instapreneurship – Marketing to Entrepreneurial Consumers to Co-Create Innovative Products and Services

Instapreneurship taps into consumers’ creativity and entrepreneurial drive while creating new business models that promote customer co-creation and business innovation Part two in a series uncovering what makes us buy and why (aka insights into the Deep Motivators of Consumers and the Future of Consumer Marketing) See the introductory post here. The Internet makes it…
