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    Learn how your experiences give you smarts that complement your IQ and EQ.  XQ is intelligence for today’s disruptive world.

    3 Types of Intelligence IQ EQ XQ

    Tap into your hidden strengths, overcome barriers to peak performance, and achieve your personal and professional goals.


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    Praise for Experiential Intelligence

    “This must-read book delivers deep insight into how our personal and professional experiences influence how we show up and perform at work, in our relationships, and life itself.”

    — Loressa Cole, CEO, American Nurses Association


    “Soren Kaplan provides us with a long overdue blueprint to more intentionally access the mindsets, abilities, and know-how gained from your unique life experience.”

    — Michael Arena, Vice President, Talent & Development, Amazon Web Services


    “The new lens of Experiential Intelligence broadens the talent conversation and opens possibilities for building a more diverse workforce.”

    — Rebecca Romano, Global Head of Talent & Organizational Development, NBCUniversal


    “Experiential Intelligence is the ultimate guide to equip leaders to know who has the talent they need to propel their business into the future.”

    — Dr. Marshall Goldsmith, Thinkers50 #1 Executive Coach and New York Times bestselling author of The Earned Life


    “Experiential Intelligence uses powerful storytelling to take us on a journey to deeply understand our own XQ and how to maximize the impact it has on our leadership and business success.”

    — Pat Verduin, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer, Colgate-Palmolive


    “Experiential Intelligence provides an approach for how to gain self-awareness into your unique assets to foster both personal and professional growth.”

    — Kathryn J. Coleman, Ph.D, Senior Vice President, Talent Learning & Insights, 3M


    “This book mines the treasures latent in all human beings and helps us welcome unknown talent in ourselves and others.”

    — Kent Packard-Davis, President, Women Forward International


    “A major game-changer for the field of transforming organizations.”

    — Louis Carter, CEO, Best Practice Institute