Strategic Innovation Resources – Articles, White Papers & Books

The following original articles, white papers, and books describe InnovationPoint’s perspective on various aspects of Strategic Innovation. We also regularly contribute to leading publications such as FastCompany, Leadership Excellence, Strategy & Leadership, and many others – links to these resources can be found on our Media page. Additional articles can be found on our Blog and videos on our Big Ideas Videos page. To be notified when additional resources are added, and to receive updates on Strategy and Innovation Best Practices, sign up for our free eNewsletter.

Growth Strategy Resources

White Paper: A Framework for Strategic Innovation

White paper on the principles, methodologies and application of the Strategic innovation approach. Paper highlights the key elements of industry foresight, customer and consumer insight, core competencies and capabilities, and strategic alignment in driving new growth opportunities.

The Future of Seamless Shopping

Whether digital or physical, shopping itself is being disrupted, and it’s all about creating a completely seamless experience. The holy grail of the seamless shopping experience is the complete blending of context, content, and commerce into one unconscious experience. The integration of these attributes makes purchasing products and services a natural and essentially invisible part of the overall customer experience itself.

What Makes Us Buy, and Why? The Future of Consumer Motivations, Needs, & Segmentation

Needs-based marketing is a no-brainer. Real innovators delve into consumers’ “Deep Motivators” to create the most meaningful experiences, products, services, and business models.This report outlines the future of consumer segmentation. White paper developed as part of research project sponsored by the government of Finland.

Strategic Imagination: External Thought Leaders Inspire Breakthrough Innovation

Innovation efforts often deliver only incremental ideas and fail to identify longer-term growth platforms. An organization’s inwardly-focused and historically-biased view of the world limits its capacity for strategic imagination. Bringing in fresh, future-oriented perspectives from outside the organization is an essential catalyst for innovative, stretch thinking.

Harnessing Consumer Inspiration in New Product Innovation

The conventional wisdom that consumers can’t innovate is being turned on its head. Having traditionally engaged consumers primarily to validate new product concepts some companies are now experimenting with new ways to solicit consumer insights and ideas to jump-start the fuzzy front end of the innovation process.

Discontinuous Innovation and the Growth Paradox

The power of discontinuous innovation Capability-Building Resourcesinnovation can present significant threats or opportunities. Visionary organizations understand the four different types of discontinuous innovation, and leverage specific strategies to identify breakthrough new business opportunities

Technology Lifecycles, Market Adoption, and Strategic Innovation

The relationship between product lifecycles and market adoption – and the rationale for taking a Strategic Innovation approach

Innovation Capability-Building Resources

6 Ways to Create a Culture of Innovation

Reward employees with time to think, while providing them with the structure they need.

4 Innovation Strategies from Big Companies that Act Like Start-ups

Established companies have a reputation for being way too bureaucratic to be innovative. But taking a page from startup culture, some have figured out how to become agile and fast-moving despite their size.

Organizational Models for Innovation

Several different organizational models can be put in place to drive innovation across an enterprise, including Venture Boards, Innovation Councils, Ambidextrous Organizations, Open Innovation Networks and cross-group solution teams.

Innovation Metrics for Driving Growth

Metrics drive both behavior and results. Without the right metrics, great ideas often flounder. Through establishing innovation-focused metrics, it becomes possible to drive innovation strategically across the enterprise.

Ambidextrous Organizations

Organizations creating an autonomous “business within a business” with different organizational structure is an effective way of fostering innovation in a mature enterprise

Don’t Start with Creativity Training

Organizations sometimes introduce broad-based “innovation and creativity training” to help employees think differently. But there are alternatives to this long and often disappointing road.

Books – Innovation Leadership

The Invisible Advantage (Chapters 1-3 Excerpt)

The Invisible Advantage: How to Create a Culture of Innovation outlines exactly how any organization can create an environment that promotes freethinking, an entrepreneurial spirit, and sustainable value creation at all levels across all functions of an organization. The book isn’t just about the importance of an innovation culture, it’s a complete tool kit that anyone can use to uncover the unique, hidden drivers of innovation and introduce fresh, intuitive approaches tailored to their organization’s specific environment. Click the link above to download the introduction, buy the book on Amazon or visit The Invisible Advantage book page to learn more.

Leapfrogging (Introduction)

Leapfrogging is the Wall Street Journal bestselling and internationally award winning book that outlines the leadership principles and practices involved in driving breakthrough, disruptive innovation. Click the link above to download the introduction, buy the book on Amazon or visit the Leapfrogging book website to learn more.

Learn more about collaborative dashboards for business strategy, the innovation process, start-ups and new ventures, and agile software development.